Saturday, August 23, 2014

What Steps and How Long Does it Take to Grow Naturally Healthy Nails

tips to get healthier shinier nails

Artificial nails have adverse effects on the general health of the nails. A lot of guys wearing acrylic nails are in for a rude shock when their nails get thin and brittle. To this end, it is advisable that you keep off artificial nails as much as possible. However, it is simple to get back to your natural nails and enjoy the great look that you dread. Having short nails may be disappointing especially when friends around you have those fantastic looking nails. Below are steps to undertake when you need to regain your nails.

Change your diet

Apparently diet has a high-end influence on your general body health. It is for this reason that you cannot trivialize the importance of food on your natural nails growth. For your nails to grow, you need lots of calcium and vitamin A. add yogurt and fish oils gels into your daily diet and you will see the difference.

Manicure your nails often

You can use warm water or olive oil; olive oil is better as it has some vitamins. Dip your fingers in either for at least ten minutes. Follow this with a fingers massage (use your thumb). The massage allows free flow of blood to ensure their growth and the strength.

Avoid chemicals

Avoid the use of nail color as much as possible. If you have to apply nail color, apply a base coat to ensure that the chemicals do not come into direct contact with your nails. This will prevent them from drying. The nail vanish removers are also as lethal to your nails and lead to drying up; avoid them as much. When on nail polish, give your nails a week to stay natural and regenerate before you can apply again for one week. This way, the effect of the nail varnish will not be heavy on your nails.

File your nails often

You have to file your nails often not only to look nice but also to prevent the nails from splitting. Always file in one direction.

Apply nail strengthening base coats

Base coats form hard layer on your nails that keeps them strong and rids them of breakages. You can apply the base coats after three days and you will not the difference after some time. There are other nail strengthening products in the market that you can apply to keep your nails thick and strong.

Drink more water

Dehydration makes your nails dry and yellowy. It is for this reason that you should take the required amount of water daily; at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Avoid nail biting

This is a habit that alters the natural growth of nails. Avoid it to have your nails growing well.


It takes patience to have naturally long and beautiful looking nails. Natural nails require less maintenance and are cheap to handle. They do not expose you to chemicals which may at times be harsh. Within a month of observing the above steps, you can have great and appealing results.
Don't Have the time to take care of your nail yourself, visit to get a fresh manicure or pedicure and get tips on taking care of your nails. 

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