Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What Products can you Use for Healthier Nails

Original Photo by http://www.manicurity.com/
Original Photo by http://www.manicurity.com/

It is important to have your nails healthy and looking good every time. Some people may find it a
challenge to maintain good natural nails and may opt to have artificial nails. After getting used to
acrylics, one may never find natural nails appealing. However, the plethora of benefits associated with
natural nails cannot be belittled. Some of the chemicals in the market today are deadly to the nails and
may affect them in the long run. To this end, only ensure that you get nails products that will not affect
but help in the natural growth of the nails.

Below are some of the nail products you can use for healthier nails.

Nail clips

This costs about $2 and they have an attached nail file. It is advisable that you cut your nails often and
thus having a good nail clip come handy. Ensure that you get a quality nail clip that cuts the nails at
once. Afterwards use the file at the back of the nail clip. However, you can buy a separate nail file if not
attached on the nail clip. The nail clip you buy should be sharp and strong.

Nail conditioner

Nail conditioners like Vaseline prevents the nails from being dry and yellowy. The conditioner may be
applied on the hands still to make the soft and moisturize them. Besides, it prevents the nails from
cracking. The conditioner should be having natural ingredients like vitamins to nourish the nails besides

Cuticle therapy creams

These strengthen the cuticles to prevent the nails from breaking. They contain vitamin E and soymilk
among other ingredients to have your nails strong and avoid brittleness. Most creams also helps in
keeping the hands moisturized and prevents the nails from being dry.

Regular nail varnish remover

This should be made from natural products to ensure that it does not leave your nails dry which may
cause cracking.

Base coats

This is applied prior to applying nail varnish and it strengthens your nails. It also makes it easy to remove
nail polish without interfering with the natural structure of the nail.


The buffers have different textures to ensure that you do your nails conveniently, faster and easy. You
should compare from different companies to have the best buffer that fits your needs.

Nail shiners

This makes your nails appear natural and shiny by applying a clear coat. The shiners come in different
colors and sizes and it will thus depend on the tastes of the user.


Most of the products mentioned above cost about $2 and are accessible in both online and offline store.
You can thus maintain the look of your nails cheaply and conveniently at home. It is however advisable
to ensure you check the ingredients of some of the chemicals you use to ensure that they are not
harmful to your nails. Compare products from different companies before settling on one product as the

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