Sunday, August 10, 2014

Nail Art for Children - Cute Nail Designs for Kids

Nail Art for Children - Cute Nail Designs for Kids

Nail art for young kids can be a bit difficult to pull off. Their apparent inability to stay still for long

periods does throw a spanner into the works. How then could I possibly teach my kids how to do nail

art? Quite difficult especially when they aren’t as enthusiastic as I am about it. Plus the simple fact that

children’s nails are not as well developed as adults make it even more challenging. You need to watch

out for the ingredients on the products you choose. A poor product could definitely rain havoc on your

children’s nails. Their nails also tend to be a bit shorter, how then do we make this work out for you?

The trick is in making it interesting. What is great about this is that children are naturally curious. So

they will absolutely love the colors are the chance to get dirty. Here I show you, how to get children

absolutely in love with nail art.

One great tip to pulling off nail art on small finger is using dots and stripes as building blocks. The dots

and stripes make your finger nails look longer and just fabulous. It draws the eyes away from the fact

that you have tinny tiny finger nails and you will just get blown away with how good you finger ails look.

Another surprising tool that you could use is a stamping plate. People with long finger nails are always

complaining of how small stamping plates are for their nails. This makes them just perfect for you and

the little kids. Since this is nail art for children do not be afraid to mix up the colors. You can let the kids

do absolutely any color they want. It is absolutely no problem if they end up looking like they are part of

the rainbow. Who cares, they are children. However, nail art for more formal occasion can work out by

working with a few base colors. You can tone it down a bit, so that rather than the colors screaming to

you they offer a more somber approach.

Finally, it is important to remember that the procedure for creating beautiful nail art remains the same

regardless of who you are doing it to. First remove old nail polish. There is nothing as bad as trying to

create new art on old nail polish. Now trim ad file your nails to make them look great and appealing.

When you are done apply a base coat. The base coat will protect your nails from being stained or

damaged by the paint or other nail art products. It is important that you allow the base coat to dry

completely before you begin to work on it. The base coat will almost always come in either a bluish

or clear color. Choose the color that you believe works or you. Ultimately remember that nail art is

supposed to be fun. Enjoy it and have an awesome bonding session with the kids.

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