Monday, September 15, 2014

What services do nail salons typically offer?

If you dread for a pampering experience, then visit a nail salon. When you visit a good nail
salon with world class amenities, services and experience nail technicians, then you will love
the bliss that goes with the experience. There is a myriad of nail salons around any one town
and this calls for shopping around for the best nail salon.

There is an array of services that are offered in nail salons. A basic service nail salon will
offer manicure and pedicure and side-line other services. However, a full services salon will
offer a wide range of services. Manicure involves filing and shaping of the non-living tissue,
massaging the hand and other treatments and application of polish. When this is done to the
toenails, it is referred to as pedicure. Besides these basic services, nail salons offer:
  • Nail art and repair 
  • Nail designs and brushing 
  • Nail conditioning and oil treatments 
  • Silk overlays, extensions and sculpted extensions 
  • Acrylic extensions 

Most nail salons offer services to men and children too. For men, the nails are treated to look
well groomed and professional. Services for children and teens are also offered; these are
a bit cheap and easy. Teens may be taught how to care for their nails and to enhance their

How do you choose a good nail salon?

Nail salons are on the rise and thus one has to be keen when discerning a good nail salon for
their nail services. Choosing the best salon will depend on your needs, you may just walk into
any nail salon if you need basic manicure or pedicure. However, you may need to take your
time when you need specialty services and choose the best salon. There is a number of factors
that you need to consider to get the best nail salon.

These include: Health and safety of the clients: This is in the way that the manicurists and/ or technicians handle the clients and uphold sanitation. Is there sanitization of hands? Do they disinfect
surfaces? Do they use clean towels or fresh files? A client may also check if the manicurists
are licensed.

Location of the salon and the atmosphere: The salon should not be located far from your
home and should provide a great atmosphere in its inner décor and how it is maintained.
Handling of clients: The technicians should be friendly and offer professional services at all
times. They should be well versed with their profession and even advice the client on how to
maintain their nail health. They should have discounts, promotions and offers to their regular

Prices: Prices differ in various nail salons; basic salons are inexpensive compared to specialty
salons with upscale services. However, prices should be standard and affordable.
If a salon does not meet any of the above, then you can leave it for other better salons. You
can also check nail salon reviews online to choose the best. Here, the salons are ranked based
on an array of factors.

If you are interested in receiving nail salon services in Scottsdale AZ, Please visit our website

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

What Products can you Use for Healthier Nails

Original Photo by
Original Photo by

It is important to have your nails healthy and looking good every time. Some people may find it a
challenge to maintain good natural nails and may opt to have artificial nails. After getting used to
acrylics, one may never find natural nails appealing. However, the plethora of benefits associated with
natural nails cannot be belittled. Some of the chemicals in the market today are deadly to the nails and
may affect them in the long run. To this end, only ensure that you get nails products that will not affect
but help in the natural growth of the nails.

Below are some of the nail products you can use for healthier nails.

Nail clips

This costs about $2 and they have an attached nail file. It is advisable that you cut your nails often and
thus having a good nail clip come handy. Ensure that you get a quality nail clip that cuts the nails at
once. Afterwards use the file at the back of the nail clip. However, you can buy a separate nail file if not
attached on the nail clip. The nail clip you buy should be sharp and strong.

Nail conditioner

Nail conditioners like Vaseline prevents the nails from being dry and yellowy. The conditioner may be
applied on the hands still to make the soft and moisturize them. Besides, it prevents the nails from
cracking. The conditioner should be having natural ingredients like vitamins to nourish the nails besides

Cuticle therapy creams

These strengthen the cuticles to prevent the nails from breaking. They contain vitamin E and soymilk
among other ingredients to have your nails strong and avoid brittleness. Most creams also helps in
keeping the hands moisturized and prevents the nails from being dry.

Regular nail varnish remover

This should be made from natural products to ensure that it does not leave your nails dry which may
cause cracking.

Base coats

This is applied prior to applying nail varnish and it strengthens your nails. It also makes it easy to remove
nail polish without interfering with the natural structure of the nail.


The buffers have different textures to ensure that you do your nails conveniently, faster and easy. You
should compare from different companies to have the best buffer that fits your needs.

Nail shiners

This makes your nails appear natural and shiny by applying a clear coat. The shiners come in different
colors and sizes and it will thus depend on the tastes of the user.


Most of the products mentioned above cost about $2 and are accessible in both online and offline store.
You can thus maintain the look of your nails cheaply and conveniently at home. It is however advisable
to ensure you check the ingredients of some of the chemicals you use to ensure that they are not
harmful to your nails. Compare products from different companies before settling on one product as the

Saturday, August 23, 2014

What Steps and How Long Does it Take to Grow Naturally Healthy Nails

tips to get healthier shinier nails

Artificial nails have adverse effects on the general health of the nails. A lot of guys wearing acrylic nails are in for a rude shock when their nails get thin and brittle. To this end, it is advisable that you keep off artificial nails as much as possible. However, it is simple to get back to your natural nails and enjoy the great look that you dread. Having short nails may be disappointing especially when friends around you have those fantastic looking nails. Below are steps to undertake when you need to regain your nails.

Change your diet

Apparently diet has a high-end influence on your general body health. It is for this reason that you cannot trivialize the importance of food on your natural nails growth. For your nails to grow, you need lots of calcium and vitamin A. add yogurt and fish oils gels into your daily diet and you will see the difference.

Manicure your nails often

You can use warm water or olive oil; olive oil is better as it has some vitamins. Dip your fingers in either for at least ten minutes. Follow this with a fingers massage (use your thumb). The massage allows free flow of blood to ensure their growth and the strength.

Avoid chemicals

Avoid the use of nail color as much as possible. If you have to apply nail color, apply a base coat to ensure that the chemicals do not come into direct contact with your nails. This will prevent them from drying. The nail vanish removers are also as lethal to your nails and lead to drying up; avoid them as much. When on nail polish, give your nails a week to stay natural and regenerate before you can apply again for one week. This way, the effect of the nail varnish will not be heavy on your nails.

File your nails often

You have to file your nails often not only to look nice but also to prevent the nails from splitting. Always file in one direction.

Apply nail strengthening base coats

Base coats form hard layer on your nails that keeps them strong and rids them of breakages. You can apply the base coats after three days and you will not the difference after some time. There are other nail strengthening products in the market that you can apply to keep your nails thick and strong.

Drink more water

Dehydration makes your nails dry and yellowy. It is for this reason that you should take the required amount of water daily; at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Avoid nail biting

This is a habit that alters the natural growth of nails. Avoid it to have your nails growing well.


It takes patience to have naturally long and beautiful looking nails. Natural nails require less maintenance and are cheap to handle. They do not expose you to chemicals which may at times be harsh. Within a month of observing the above steps, you can have great and appealing results.
Don't Have the time to take care of your nail yourself, visit to get a fresh manicure or pedicure and get tips on taking care of your nails. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Nail Art Designs for Your Date - Sexy Nail Designs

nail art for a date

When it comes to a date one must ensure an exclusive appearance so as to ensure that a date is made

successful. Naturally, women tend to be more sensitive than men. Hence, women tend to go into details

when preparing to get the most out of a date. Women tend to take preparation as a very significant

part so as to look impressive for a date. Therefore, so as to ensure the very best in terms of appearance

they have to make the use of several beauty tips. The tips include facials; nail art, make up as well as a

suitable hair do. When it comes to selecting the nail art for a date several aspects have to be considered:

1. The outfit worn to the date

The nail art must blend well with the outfit worn to the date so as to ensure originality without

overshadowing any details.

2. The make up one puts on for the date

The nail art should be in accordance to the makeup meaning that they should be complementary.

3. The weather on the day for the date

To be able to choose the type of make up to wear the weather has to be considered so as to determine

the theme color as well as the type of nail art

4. The trending fashion.

When the lady wears a recent nail art, the date is able to rate the lady according to her fashion taste and

sense of style.

 Therefore nail art is very essential due to the level of diva power and confidence it inputs in the in a

lady. The essentials of nail art for a date can be summarized as follows:

1. They are a portrait of creativity. The nail art considered for a particular date is able to show the

extent of creativity valued by a particular person.

2. They give the lady a touch of confidence thus guaranteeing easiness throughout the date as they

engage in conversations as well as the motion of the hands.

3. Nail art complements the dress code theme ensuring that one looks spectacular for the date.

4. Nail art updates the outfit level adding a touch of excellence of the general appearance making

the lady very appealing for the date.

5. Nail art triggers an amazing attraction from someone’s date because it rings out a sense of

sophistication of beauty.

Nail art design

The nail art design should be one which adds flavor to the nail color. When the color is favorable the

lady going for a date is able to co-ordinate several movements of the hand without any uneasiness. The

nail art ought to be very professional. Nail art is therefore very essential so as to ensure that the best

look is attained for the date. Nail art are like a language that communicates to people pertaining to what

they love or desire. Therefore, to consider the nail art for your date, one need adequate time to settle

for the theme, color and shapes desired to make a nail art successful.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Nail Art for Senior Citizens - Nail Designs for Seniors

nail designs for senior citizens

Nail art varies from person to person depending on the profession undertaken by each person. This

is because nail art has to be accompanied by various aspects. Hence, it is heavily influenced by the

environment which one is in. some nail arts are designed specifically for certain events so as to facilitate

efficiency. Nail art however differs according to the age. Young people normally prefer sophisticated

nail art, whereas older people may prefer simple nail art. Therefore there exists nail art for senior citizen

that does not involve a lot of details or colors. This kind of nail art is one which applies for people who

are past the youthful age, particularly the senior citizens. Nail art for senior citizen must be very well


The evaluation of nail art for senior citizen is based on the fact that nails thicken as we age and

therefore their nails are subject to vulnerability. Hence, they must be kept in an ideal manner when

it comes to nail care. Nail care entails nail treatment such as pedicure and manicure. Nail art is a very

significant part of the pedicures and manicures, particularly to the senior citizens.

Benefit of nail art for senior citizen

1. Nail art for senior citizen reduces bad practices with nails this is because there is a need to

maintain the beauty of nails.

2. Nail art for senior citizens provides am appealing outlook. Senior citizens are prone to certain

aging effects and therefore nail art improved the overall appearance of the nails.

3. Nail art promotes the growth of healthy nails. This is because the nail artist applies nail polish

rich in minerals and vitamins before doing the nail art designs.

4. Nail art portrays creativity as well as creates an impressive look that is very professional for a

senior citizen.

5. Nail art is very essential when applied with simplicity this is because it boosts the confidence of

the senior citizen making her esteemed and easy in the day to day activities.

Disadvantages of nail art for senior citizen

Nail art is therefore seen to be of very great essence to senior citizen. However, it has a few limitations.

These limitations are a listed below:

1. When a senior citizen has various reaction and allergies, nail arts are highly discouraged. The

reason for this is because the nail cosmetics may contain substances that may harm the nail


2. Nail art sometimes tends to be very expensive and hence it may not be available for one. It is

mostly considered as luxury because most people cannot afford it.

3. Presences of low quality nail art material. The fake nail art cosmetics are sometimes difficult to

distinguish from the original ones. The fake nail art cosmetics therefore result to undesirable


4. When it comes to nail art, professionalism is highly demanded this is because any smudge or the

slightest crack can mess the perfectionism of the nails.

5. Nail art is time consuming and hence it may require a lot of tome so as to achieve favorable


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Doing Nail Designs at Home

By Mona Farooq M

doing your nails yourself at home

Nail designs are getting so trendy today. There are a lot of designs that women can choose from to adorn their beautiful nails and because of these designs, more and more women are getting into nail designing. Nowadays, for you to get the design that you want, you should go to a nail salon where a professional can provide you with the design that you want. However, this is not always the case especially if you have the skills at designing because you can definitely do it at your own home and at your own leisure.
Before you get too excited about designing your own nails at home, there are some important reminders that you should keep in mind first! What are they?

Right Tools

It is very essential that you have the right tools for nail designing. Here are they:

  • Sponge - this is very important especially if you want an ombre design. You can also use a brush but spongers are simple, more fun and easier and it can help you achieve that soft look that you're aiming for.
  • Nail art brushes - as much as possible, get the pre-bottled ones so your brushes don't dry out. a regular striper brush will do. These brushes are perfect for doing lines. Keep in mind that there are also some people who make use of nail art pens, which works like a pen.
  • Dotters - these are not hard to find and they come in various shapes and sizes.

Now that you have the right tools to start your nail design at home, the next time that you should do is to know what kind of design you want. If you are not sure yet what to design your nails with, you can always do some research over the Internet or you can create your own! There are a lot of wonderful nail designs that you can find online.

The Process

You're ready to start designing your nails! But before you actually paint those beautiful nails of yours, make sure that your nails are very clean! This is very crucial because the design of your nails will surface more beautifully if your nails are clean. Once this is done and you're absolutely sure that you have cleaned your nails already, it's time that you start with your nail designs! Make sure that when you do this you're in a well-lit room and make sure that you put a cloth underneath so it won't smudge or ruin your table.

Are you ready to do some nail designs at home? You definitely can! Just keep on practicing and you'll be awesome at designing your nails. It won't be really easy at first, so don't expect a masterpiece right away. Once you get the hang of it, you can change your nail designs whenever you want and even invite some girlfriends over and do their nails. Now that will be such a great bonding experience that your friends would definitely appreciate. It's going to be lots of fun!

The author is an expert at nail design. She also has a background in writing in which she writes articles on nails and nail designs to provide information to many people all over the Internet.
Article Source:

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Nail Art for Children - Cute Nail Designs for Kids

Nail Art for Children - Cute Nail Designs for Kids

Nail art for young kids can be a bit difficult to pull off. Their apparent inability to stay still for long

periods does throw a spanner into the works. How then could I possibly teach my kids how to do nail

art? Quite difficult especially when they aren’t as enthusiastic as I am about it. Plus the simple fact that

children’s nails are not as well developed as adults make it even more challenging. You need to watch

out for the ingredients on the products you choose. A poor product could definitely rain havoc on your

children’s nails. Their nails also tend to be a bit shorter, how then do we make this work out for you?

The trick is in making it interesting. What is great about this is that children are naturally curious. So

they will absolutely love the colors are the chance to get dirty. Here I show you, how to get children

absolutely in love with nail art.

One great tip to pulling off nail art on small finger is using dots and stripes as building blocks. The dots

and stripes make your finger nails look longer and just fabulous. It draws the eyes away from the fact

that you have tinny tiny finger nails and you will just get blown away with how good you finger ails look.

Another surprising tool that you could use is a stamping plate. People with long finger nails are always

complaining of how small stamping plates are for their nails. This makes them just perfect for you and

the little kids. Since this is nail art for children do not be afraid to mix up the colors. You can let the kids

do absolutely any color they want. It is absolutely no problem if they end up looking like they are part of

the rainbow. Who cares, they are children. However, nail art for more formal occasion can work out by

working with a few base colors. You can tone it down a bit, so that rather than the colors screaming to

you they offer a more somber approach.

Finally, it is important to remember that the procedure for creating beautiful nail art remains the same

regardless of who you are doing it to. First remove old nail polish. There is nothing as bad as trying to

create new art on old nail polish. Now trim ad file your nails to make them look great and appealing.

When you are done apply a base coat. The base coat will protect your nails from being stained or

damaged by the paint or other nail art products. It is important that you allow the base coat to dry

completely before you begin to work on it. The base coat will almost always come in either a bluish

or clear color. Choose the color that you believe works or you. Ultimately remember that nail art is

supposed to be fun. Enjoy it and have an awesome bonding session with the kids.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Business Friendly Nail Art Designs

business friendly gel nail art design

Have you ever had absolutely amazing nail art done over the weekend and you had to keep worrying,

if it was appropriate to take that to work come Monday. Well, who said you have to wear boring and

mundane colors at work. You can be that stylish lady who simply blazes the presentation while looking

just gorgeous. How the do you choose design that are not only good looking but are also formal? Quite

a difficult answer to find and the path to finding such answers are not for the faint hearted. You have to

try a lot of different styles and find one that works for you. Now this article is going to do just that, show

you how to be a rock star at work and still have beautiful nail art.

Business friendly nail art should be quite simple. Now note that simple does not mean bland. Simple

in that the colors do not jump out. Plus it is probably best not to have any writing on your nail art. You

want to keep it official. The nail art should not be distracting to you or your colleagues at work. The

styles you choose should also be easy and cool. You do not want to have to paint your nails in a hurry.

Nail art and rushing simply do not mix. Creating quality pieces of nail art is a pain staking process. If you

have to do in the morning before work, choose a style that is easy to do. Nothing that will take too long

yet the clock is ticking and we do not want any problems at work. You cannot exactly explain that you

were late because you were getting a manicure.

Now, remember flowery designs, glitter or attention seeking designs are not exactly work designs. Get

cool nail art that is beautiful but formal. Try out painting your nails with different colors. Paint just the

tip of your nails a different color. The result is remarkable. Ultimately though, it depends on where you

work. If you are a stylist; by all means rock the loudest design you want. However, if you are more of a

corporate, stick to the cool colors.

What is important is that you need to remember that the technique for creating word art is the same

throughout. First remember to clear out your old nail polish. You can just as easily accomplish this by

using nail remover. This you can get at any shop where you get nail polish. Now after you have cleaned

out your nails, it is time to retouch them a bit. Do this by trimming your nails and filing them. This keeps

the nails at the desired length and ensures they are clean and hygienic. Next you apply a base coat. After

you this, let it dry and you apply your nail art. Some base coats will remain a bit tacky after drying. This

enables the nail at to better stick to it. Avoid chipping your nails and keep them clean always. Now all

you need to do is walk into work like a boss.

Monday, August 4, 2014

How To Use Nail Art Accessories to Create Unique Designs

By Karen S Musselman
nail art accessories

Many people may think of beauty accessories as being makeup and hair styles; however nail art accessories can be added to this list as well for complementing your whole look with some added sparkle and style to your hands.

And it doesn't matter how long or short your nails are, adding a touch of sparkle or style to plain nail polish may just draw attention to your other accessories like rings and bangle bracelets.

Having a variety of nail art accessories on hand has become a hit trend among many women to update their everyday French manicure with some French manicure designs, for example, using nail wraps only on the tips of the nails.

All over the country nail studios are opening their doors offering beautiful and unique manicures. And fashion blogs have been touting celebrities with some of their outrageous nail designs too, like Lady Gaga's lace nails in her videos.

But you don't have to be a professional technician or even have a natural talent at doing salon manicures to have beautiful nails. You can actually create salon perfect nails in your own home with a few inexpensive nail art accessories that mirror the quality of the professional freehand designs at the salons, but at a mere fraction of the cost.

A perfect manicure will definitely make your hands look and feel great but if you add even the simplest designs to your nails, you'll stand out from the basic and boring as someone who really knows and loves style. The right accessories can even add an amazingly stylish touch and complement the colors of the outfits you wear also.

And even if you don't leave the house often, for instance if you work from home, sometimes just watching a tutorial and trying out some different designs with some really inexpensive nail art accessories can make you feel better about your hands, although you may be the only one looking at them.

There are too many design accessories available today to even begin to make a complete list. But some of the more popular and trendy are things like Fimo art, designer nail wraps like foils, 3D nail stickers with fake gems, and designer nail tips. In fact, you can even buy molded designs specifically made just for creating 3D nail art or you can pierce your nails and add dangling jewelry.

Any of these accents will provide you with virtually unlimited choices for create stunning designs yourself or for salon professionals who are looking to offer new ideas to their clients. And since a lot of these techniques are relatively simple, even the do-it-yourself beginner nail artist can have fun creating new designs like a pro.
For example, 3D nail stickers can add sparkle and shine to a classic French manicure. In fact, design stickers come in so many varieties you can mix and match the designs, and create an accent nail on each hand that's subtly different from the others. So you could apply lace 3D stickers to all but the ring finger on each hand and place gemstones on those accent nails.

Stickers are fun and convenient since you can apply them quickly, add a fast-drying top coat and you're out the door with a fresh-looking manicure that's coordinated in color and design to the outfit you're wearing that day. Remove them later and change up the design for an evening out on the town, removing only the top coat and sticker.

Another fun and creative technique in the nail art accessories arena is Fimo art, available in just about every shape you can imagine, from simple abstract designs through complex looking fruits and animals.
But using Fimo art is so simple, just anyone who's into beginners nail art can use Fimo art and give themselves a very unique and interesting manicure that everyone will want to see and talk about.

Nail gems in the way of faux gemstones that adhere to the nail with polish or dangles that require the tip of the nail to be pierced, are also a great options for adding some pizzazz to your manicure. Piercings are becoming popular for nails today too, especially with younger people who want more than just their ears pierced.

If you're not careful in doing your own nail piercing, however, you may split your nail, while although not dangerous at all, it just means you'll either have to cut your nail and allow it to regrow or replace it with an artificial tip until your natural nail grows out again.

Nail techs can also offer their clients time-saving colorful French manicures by using pre-polished, pre-designed artificial nail tips. Artificial nails today are so natural looking that even the do-it-yourself artist can apply them from home and walk out with gorgeous, natural looking nails. The best faux nails and nail tips are applied with a special formulation of "super glue" and when applied correctly, can last for weeks.

If you're looking for designs for beginners, try out a few of these fun and easy to use nail art accessories during your spare time. Check out YouTube and subscribe to the popular nail artists to keep up with trendy designs and the hottest fashion manicure colors and you'll always have great looking nails anytime for any occasion.

Karen Musselman works from home and blogs about nail art topics like nail art supplies that help you create some awesome designs. Karen also has a variety of nail art videos on her YouTube channel.
Article Source:

Friday, August 1, 2014

Get Started With Innovative Nail Art Designs

By Krill B

Well manicured and well groomed nails are always a strong indication of a person's personality and also reflect their style. Today the nail fashion trend is greatly inclined towards nail arts that is not only unique in every aspect but also gives a stunning look to the otherwise dull looking nails.

A lot of young and fashion conscious women are taking on to nails art as the best way to get rid of dull looking plain nails. From just wearing a color on your nails, nail art enhances the beauty of nails with its innovation in the form of small motifs, danglers, stones, glitters, ceramic flowers, etc which will make your nails stand out for any occasion.

Creating decorative designs on nails is not always easy and requires a lot of professionalism and creativity especially if you are planning on some intricate designs. A well done art can brighten up your overall appearance and complement your outfit to a great extent. Nail arts designing can vary from subtle and delicate designs to bold and funky designs.

Nails art requires certain basic steps to be followed to get the application perfectly. Before you start with nail designing, make sure you clean and shape up your nails properly. Trimming your nails and filing them is necessary to get the best result. Even the best of the artists cannot create beautiful designs on your nails if they are in a bad shape and not well kept. You can also consider using acrylic nails if your nails are in a real bad shape and beyond repair. The nail art design can then be painted over these artificial acrylics.

Once your nails are painted with a base coat, you can create your designs using the nail arts brushes that are available in different sizes based on the design you want to draw. Intricate designs will require more thin tipped and finer nail brushes to get the design right and visible. The use of toothpicks is also not uncommon especially if you are a beginner and want to improve your designs. For any nail polish application mistakes, you can use cotton swabs to remove the excess color. Make sure you do it quick as nail polish dries very fast. It is also good to use a different brush for each nail polish color so that you can save time.

Nails art designs can be created using different methods. Novices mostly prefer to create their designs by copying them from nail art books or seeing them on the Internet. One can also learn nail arts through courses offered by some professional nail salons. However, even if you possess minimal artistic capability, you can create simple easy floral designs or geometric shapes which do not require high end training.

While much of the nail art designs use a combination of nail polish colors, one can also add some glitter into the nail polish before painting to jazz up your nails. The use of other nails art accessories like rhinestones, acrylic stones, 3D nail stickers, ceramic flowers, fimo art pieces, crushed shells, etc to name a few are also being widely used to highlight the nails and give them a more sophisticated look.

Once you have completed your nail designing, it is important to maintain your nails properly to prevent your nail arts from chipping and to last long. The best would be to apply a clear nail polish coat over your nails every 2 to 3 days and try wearing gloves while working to prevent any nail damage. Most important, avoid biting your nails to keep your nails in good condition and also your nail art intact.

Take advantage of our great Gel-Nails offers and deals every week and update yourself with what's the latest and the most popular in the gel nails trend. Check out our new nail art accessories for a shopping experience that's filled with fun, variety, exclusivity, and surprises with new gel nails additions.

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